Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions govern your use of this website. This website is issued by M & B Capital Advisers, S.V., S.A., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Register number 218253). If you do not wish to be bound by them then you should leave the website. All information, content, photographs and other materials displayed on this site are protected by copyright and must not be copied and/or reproduced without the full, written permission of an authorized M & B Capital officer.
This website is solely intended to furnish the visitor with general information regarding M & B Capital, its business and the range of services it offer. It should under no circumstances be construed as offering or inducing visitors to invest in any security or asset nor should it be seen as offering specific investment guidance.
Any and all information dealing with investment solutions is shown only to establish an introductory understanding of our investment methodology and our processes. They do not represent investment advice nor should they be construed as such.
The information we collect
Where applicable and displayed, market information, commentaries and other materials made available on this website are derived from what we genuinely believe are reliable and reputable sources; nevertheless, M & B Capital makes no warranty or guarantee that the information contained therein is free from error and we cannot accept responsibility for any damage, loss or otherwise incurred as a consequence of relying on said materials.